A few weeks ago, a package of samples from men’s skincare brand Nip + Man landed on The Style Examiner’s desk with a letter asking for an honest review of the products enclosed. I got on the case and tried them for a few days while doing some research on the brand itself.
Recently launched, Nip + Man is the male counterpart of Nip + Fab, the range of skincare products for women created by Maria Hatzistefanis, the founder of cosmetics brand Rodial. Renowned for making products that claim results similar to the ones obtained by intrusive procedures such as Botox, both Nip + Fab and Nip + Man rely on using energising ingredients such as caffeine extract, menthyl lactate and jojoba oil to nourish the skin.
I started by trying Nip + Man’s Scrubbing Facial Wash for a few days during my morning shower. Containing caffeine and Brazilian papaya, this is a face wash with powerful exfoliating ingredients that leaves the skin feeling clean and cool. The scrubbing effect felt so strong that I wondered if this should actually be used every other day instead of as part of a daily routine. Regardless, the results were positive: my skin felt clean and fresh and my facial hair was softer and easier to shave afterwards.

After shaving with my normal shaving gel, I used the After Shave Power Lotion. The first thing I noticed was the strong cooling and yet soothing effect caused by the menthyl lactate ingredient (which also generated a pleasant peppermint smell). In addition, a small dollop of the lotion went a long way and the skin achieved a nice matte finish instead of a shiny look, which is always a good thing in a moisturiser in my opinion.

In addition, the Nip + Man range also includes post-workout products such as the Power Workout Fix, a warming serum with vanillyl and ginger oil designed to relax aching muscles while improving the skin’s tone after a workout, and the Bicep Fix, a firming, toning gel with firming ingredients that are supposed “to make arms appear stronger”. I’m not entirely convinced that these products work as energising ingredients tend to work better when digested and assimilated into the body rather than applied on its surface, but am keeping an open mind. More impressive claims come from its Manotox product, which was not included in the package sent to me to try but is described as an “hi-tech anti-ageing (…) advanced technology moisturiser with high performance LIFTONIN® [that] works to minimise the appearance of fine lines + wrinkles [and includes] Gransil + sea minerals smooth + revitalise, for fresher looking skin.”

I admit that I have my doubts about products that claim they can firm and relax muscles, have anti-ageing qualities or are able to minimise the appearance of signs of old age. However, I found Nip + Man’s Scrubbing Facial Wash and After Shave Power Lotion to be effective in what they did and don’t hesitate to recommend them. My verdict is that Nip + Man is a good skincare range for men whose products, even if they are not the best that I have ever tried, are certainly of better quality than many out there by competing brands.