Hailing from Portugal, a country with a long and established tradition in textile, footwear and furniture design and manufacturing, Boca do Lobo (‘Mouth of the Wolf’) is a brand that produces some of the most exciting furniture around these days. Since it was set up in 2005, Boca do Lobo has gone from strength to strength, having exhibited in numerous trade fairs in Portugal, Angola, Belgium, Dubai, France, Italy, Spain, The Netherlands, UK, and the US, and have had their products featured in publications in Dubai, Greece, Japan, Latvia, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Turkey, UK, and the US.
This is a brand whose mission over the last six years has remained focussed on creating beautiful pieces that are inspired, crafted, and delivered by staff passionate about what they do. Boca do Lobo‘s vision is to understand manufacturing techniques past and materials that have been used for centuries, and interpret them through innovative technology and contemporary design.

The current collections by Boca do Lobo are named ‘Soho’, ‘Coolors’, and ‘Large Emotion’. The Soho range is inspired by the New York City‘s neighbourhood and its diverse architectural styles. ‘Coolors’ celebrates the cool power of colour, and the ability that different hues have in influencing the human psyche through the stimulation of one’s emotions and states of mind. Created by Pedro Sousa, ‘Large Emotion’ is a limited edition collection of 20 copies of only 12 pieces handcrafted by a single artisan.

Boca do Lobo’s furniture is available and distributed internationally. For more information, visit the brand’s website.